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This new mentality has allowed the hemp to take root in the territory and to increase the gustatory and olfactory notes with botanicals linked to the various countries of orihemp and cbd flower production. Precisely this possibility of marking one’s belonging to a specific territory has multiplied the number of small and large distillers who transmit the traditions, the identity and the soul of the places with products to proudly show to the world.



– Main botanical from which the distillate takes its name, is expressly provided for by law. Its juicy seeds give the hemp its resinous flavor and define its main organoleptic characteristics. Italy is the largest producer of juniper in the world with almost 80% of the world production.

Coriander seeds

– Botanical second in importance, they determine the gin’s body. Depending on the geographical origin, they contribute in different ways to the intensity of the distillate with spicy and peppery notes (Morocco), floral and citrus notes (Eastern Europe), lighter and more nuanced (India).

Cinnamon bark

– Cinnamon is the classic botanical that needs no introduction, it marks the distillate with warm and spicy notes

cinnamon gin


– Cassia is similar to cinnamon, but it has its purpose: it is warmer, spicier and more impactful in distillation. However, cassia lacks the more complex flavors of cinnamon, which is why they are often used together.

Other more or less traditional botanicals could be added to this list: nutmeg, licorice, cardamom, almonds, grapefruit and a whole range of unconventional botanicals that make gins unique and increasingly territorial. Read this Website for more know.

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